Gates are commonly used within a collection system to control flows. Automation of these gates requires an actuator that can reliably respond to changing conditions. During a wet weather event, the actuators on these gates are the critical aspect of the entire high flow management strategy. A failure of actuators to respond can cause big problems. Imagine a scenario where a collection system interceptor station has both influent control and diversion gates. The flow typically runs through the control gate that can be modulated to pinch off or shut off flows, perhaps using in-house storage upstream within the collection system. During very high flow events, the diversion gate would divert to a local water way or a storage area.
The worst case scenario occurs if the control gate is pinched off/closed, but the diversion gate fails to open on account of an actuator failure. During an extreme wet weather event, such a failure could cause flooding upstream of this interceptor, potentially resulting in public or private infrastructure damage, as well as a black eye for the wastewater operations.

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