Coal-Fired Power

Steam Turbine Control

Steam turbines can be found in almost any processing plant or power generation facility. In processing plants, steam turbines are used as the driver for other rotating equipment, converting thermal energy to rotational energy ultimately to control input speed of a driven device.

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Furnace Draft Pressure Control

Coal fired power plant operators are facing regulatory pressures to reduce emissions, including NOx and SOx. At the same time generation demand is declining, plants are forced to cycle on and off as well as run at lower minimum loads to remain on line. These two objectives create challenges to a plant’s operating practices, many of which were established and refined under constant operation/base load scenarios.

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Supercritical Plant Startup Control

Coal fired Supercritical Power Plants are an integral component of the strategy for many generation companies. With a higher pressure/temperature range near 4300 psi and 1100°F, supercritical plants operate more efficiently than their subcritical counterparts. Whether an older design base load plant is now called upon to cycle more often, or a newer Supercritical plant designed to do so, it is imperative that the startup system perform at optimal levels.

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