
Collections Wet Weather Management

Faced with the threat of permit violations or even fines, municipalities are under the gun to control wet weather events in a manner that minimizes storm water discharges into local water ways. Older cities with combined sewer systems are particularly vulnerable. Many different mitigation strategies, ranging from holding ponds to deep-rock tunnel projects, are being implemented as a means to store high flows during wet weather events.

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UV Disinfection Effluent Level Control

Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection is a chemical-free process often employed by wastewater treatment operations as the last stage of treatment to meet tight bacterial limitations on plant discharges. The reliability and efficiency of a UV system is critical to mitigating the threat of permit violations and fines for the discharge of improperly disinfected wastewater effluent. For UV systems with horizontal or slanted lamp orientation, the means to control water levels in the channels is a known trouble spot often stemming from the method of actuation used to regulate said levels.

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