
The REXA Wrap-Up | February 2020

YouTube Series: Electraulic™ Actuation Overview You may be familiar with various actuation technologies like electric, hydraulic and pneumatic, but how about Electraulic™? Unique to REXA, this brand of actuator combines the benefits of the above actuation technologies while eliminating drawbacks typically associated with each. Electraulic™ [...]

February 26th, 2020|Categories: REXA Wrap-Up|

Production Wellhead Valves Upgrade

What is a Wellhead? With the demand for renewable energy continuing to increase, Geothermal power is quickly becoming a focal point in generation company portfolios. Producing about one-sixth of the carbon dioxide emitted by a clean natural gas-fueled plant, geothermal energy production ensures a sharp reduction in greenhouse gas [...]

February 26th, 2020|Categories: Success Stories|

The REXA Wrap-Up | January 2020

Introducing the REXA Wrap-Up Welcome to our official newsletter series, The REXA Wrap-Up! Each month, we'll be providing a "wrap-up" of industry-related news, application-specific content, new videos from our YouTube channel, REXA-related news/updates and much more. This isn't just any boring newsletter, though. Be on the lookout in [...]

January 30th, 2020|Categories: REXA Wrap-Up|

Rotating Equipment Total Integrated Solution

Experiencing nuisance trips, large RPM swings, or hydraulic oil contamination? Rotating equipment (turbines, pumps and compressors) plays an integral role in moving fluids, gases and other process materials within a plant. It is essential to maintain this equipment to maximize plant process efficiency. Luckily, REXA has developed the [...]

July 22nd, 2019|Categories: Oil and Gas, Power, Product, Rotating Equipment|Tags: , , , |
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